Friday, September 29, 2006
& no one can tell.
11:10 AM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
slept at 4am last night :O
brings me back to the holidays ): rawr. just that now it's different. we're not going to school because we have to study. i need to find that drive! ): ahahha. hmm why am i blogging more just when EOYS are coming? weird! maybe it's because i just need to find some space to relax! and rest for a while before going back to those boring things.
but i think i'll be blogging more after eoys. hopefully. so that my blog won't die (: hahaha. but who knows! OHWELL (: but i have a feeling i'll be too occupied watching korean drama serials to even blog lah! HAHAHAHA :D wheee! plus, there's choral night. and chalet to organise. speaking of chalet, has beehiang's mom booked the place =/ rah. i still don't know if the class wants the chalet to be three days two nights or two days one night.
and here i am doing this for the class while i'm supposed to be studying. i really don't mind it but i just hope people will appreciate. can you believe it! i feel so accomplisehd okay (: i did my chinese assessment book ON MY OWN ACCORD. lalala (: yes yes yes. but there's a reason why lah ): if not i won't do )): rah. don't want to talk about it anymore. it makes me sad ):
i've finally found back the joy in blogging! HAHAHAHA. lost it for quite a while yeah? but i still blogged like at least, AT LEAST once in two weeks what! so that my blog won't totally die... although it's already like wilting and stuff, most probably because people are mugging, not like me, and they hardly use the computer so they dont visit my blog anymore ): rawr!
having chinese tuition at 530. rah. 1 and a half hours more! ): supposed to study chinese and geog today. and finish at least math revision paper ONE. yeah, ONE. -.- i know lah. damn lag. but whatever :P couldn't be bothered to do before that =/ hahahaha. and i just realised im super careless ): and BLIND. damn it ):
i write until my hand damn pain lah. OMG. finally! I FINALLY FINISHED THAT PAPER :D YAY. wonder how amina's doing. LOL. i bet she's slacking now lah. hahaha and stuck with the same question :D loser! :P okay now im moving on to the chinese mock paper on IVLE! WOOOO! :D i hardly ever mug this hard lah. (:
oh no. i feel like sleeping =/ and i'm yawning. ): once i start yawning i can't stop one! AHHH. cher and bianca know the best about this =/ LOL. 44 times in how long? erm... one and a half i think! HAHAHA (: and we were trying to make me hit a round number! missed by one ): but 44 is a nice number (:
OMG. MILK TEA! i feel like drinking! (: heh heh. can go buy tomorrow :D :D :D if lh's mom allows lah ):
oh no. why's the chinese mock paper so hard. i want to die already ): now i know what jas meant! RAH. the answers are all so close! HOW TO CHOOSE. i want to kill myself )): rah! BOOHOO D:
okay fine i shall stop blogging and concentrate fully on doing the stupid mock paper. toodles! (;
7:26 AM
Monday, September 25, 2006
okay i've decided to blog (:
like finally! because it's boring coming online in the middle of the night without hardly anyone online ): especially those whom you usually talk to. rah. so yeah, im like waiting for the video to load. so, to kill that evil boredom, i'm blogging (: aren't you happy! hahaha.
well, i studied today okay! did math and chinese (: but i watched quite a lot of tv =/ i couldnt stand it lah! i was supposed to do work from 830 to 1030 because fullhouse starts at 1030. in the end i went down at 930 to supposedly take a rest. and i got carried away watching that psychology show ): but hey. i studied in the afternoon okay! ((((: from like 330 to 430! i think...
i dont know why but i just cant keep still lah! ):
HAHA. full house is damn funny lah! (: im gonna buy the vcd after eoys! ((: then it's stayover-watching-vcd time! just like the june hols... nana me and lh watched devil beside you till like 5 am in the morning. it was crazy lah. and we still had dance the next day. and they still didnt want to sleep! hahahaha. not to mention, they were making lots of noise. and so my maid came up and asked us to sleep -.- but they were still making alot of noise -.- gay people.
i bet we're gonna do the same thing again lah! (: haha but we're gonna be smart people this time and not choose a day when there's dance the next day -.- because its so dumb. the next day we'll be so groggy and sluggish that we wont even feel like dancing -.- but the funny thing was, that day when we had dance, they still came over to continue watching! HAHAHAHAHA. and it was really fun watching with them. wahlao me and lh started hyperventilating again =/ nana just teared (: and she was like "what's wrong with you two!" HAHAHAHA and she was giving that O.o face! LOL. damn funny. how i miss those times... ):
well, eoys are coming. and its really mugging time. if only there wasn't youtube. i'd be sleeping/ studying now. instead of giving in to the evil temptations of korean drama serials ): sigh. i'm ALWAYS getting lured by these evil forces! ))): especially right before eoys. just when i'm supposed to be studying.
i hope i'll really study today, tomorrow and wednesday ): i shall be disciplined! or should i draw up a timetable? nah, thats just a waste of time. because i wont follow it and i'll be wasting time doing it instead of studying. sigh ):
OHYAH! i wanted to talk about my itchy eyes =/ HAHAHAHA. they started itching on like friday morning! the day i was standing behind jasmine... yah, should be friday lah. then i kept rubbing and rubbing and it got even more itchy! ): boohoo. but there's no discharge so its not an infection WHAT.
but anyway, my mom took me to a doctor and he just gave me some eyedrops to put twice a day lah. lol. but its still itchy. sometime lah. damn weird! ):
ladeedum i think silver chopsticks are super cool :D okay that was random =/ nevermind :D i was just watching the video and i saw silver chopsticks! :D ladeedum (:
okay im going to sleep. goodnight! (:
6:38 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
i suddenly feel like posting (:
okay i know my blog's dead like nobody's business. but i lost the blogging mood thingy already! rah. maybe i'll get it back after eoys when there's nothing better to do and i've finished surfing all the blogs and watching all my videos and finished listening to all my songs and there's no one online whom i usually talk to.
okay that was a load of crap (: anyway, eoys are in two weeks time. and i have a feeling i wont be able to finish studying by then =/ DIE. i'm so dead ): sigh. oh yes. i just realised that the online report is out. i wonder what she wrote for me :O hahahahaha. i have a feeling it's gonna be interesting :D okay whatever.
hmm... it's really funny how lots of unexpected things happen to you. it's funny how everyone's so ironic. one moment saying this, the next saying that. it's like, you don't know who to trust, what to trust anymore. should i believe this story? or that one? or should i trust my own instinct?
okay i shall stop here. i actually wanted to blog somemore but i decided not to post it here (:
2:54 PM